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Unconditional Love

July 28 2023

So this little guy right here……my little ‘Peanut” has a multitude of issues. His skin is hypersensitive to everything. His tear ducts don't produce tears so four times a day I have to manually lubricate his eyes with a prescription eye drop.

He has food allergies so he requires a raw food diet, and every five weeks he has a cytopoint injection for environmental allergies. His monthly bill is $380.

When you rescue or adopt an animal, there is little known about their heredity or bloodline issues. It’s a process of trial and error to see what will work best for their specific issues. My vet initially put him on a medication called Apaquel. It worked great for about a year and then it didn't. So the vet said to double the dose. I did my own research on the drug before agreeing to increase the dosage and found Apaquel to be a road to nowhere. The side effects on major organs is significant. The vet said once a dog is on it…they should never be taken off it because the symptoms can be worse than when you started. (Insert big Pharma here)

So I went to a local organic pet food store and told them about Peanut. With their help, and a lot of patience, we were able to wean him off the Apaquel with raw food, goats milk and a powder food supplement called Holistic Immune Balance.

He is 100% better…and his anxiety level from being in a constant state of discomfort is at zero.

When you decide to take on a pet, whatever it may be, you have an obligation to do everything you can to keep them healthy and happy.

I’ve had dogs who lived to be 15 years old, I’ve had a dog die in my arms, I’ve put dogs down because it was the humane decision to make, and I have cried like a baby with each and every loss.

The unconditional love they give us is priceless.

And the only time they break our hearts is when they leave us.

There are 24 hours in a day…..chances are most pets get an hour or two of attention in any given day. And every single time you reach out to them…..its their single, most, happiest moment.

Think about that.

All they want is love.

Thats it.

Next time you have to step over your dog to walk into the kitchen…lean down and give them a pet and simply say ‘I love you’. It will mean the world to them.

But that’s just my opinion..:)


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