November 17 2024
Moving through the chapters of life with blind trust can be a beautiful journey….but it can also put you at risk to horrific behavior and repercussion. We expect people to behave as we would, but expectation can be found at the root of many a heartache.
Whether it is a friend, a family member, or a business relationship, never assume your best interest is also theirs. We can hope that others value the same level of integrity we do…but that is not always the case.
There are people in this world who operate on a predatory level.
They inherently seek out the kind hearted and trusting souls.
They listen intently to your conversations and they gather everything they need to know about you. When the time is right…..they use that information against you. And all the while, you thought they were in your life because they truly cared.
It is a painful lesson to learn, but navigating through situations with people like this, pulls the strongest part of your soul to the forefront. It reminds you how strong you really are, how resilient you are, and how resourceful you are.
The least damaging of these predators are people who gossip. They love to be the one who knows everything about you…and then share your information with others……so they can feel important.
Key takeaway on that…….don't tell anyone anything you don't want the world to know.
A level up from the gossiper, is the opportunist. These people hitch their wagon to yours because they want what you have. They want access to people you know, things you have, and places you go. Be cognizant of these people and decide how much access you allow them. They cant help themselves. it’s just how they have learned to move through life. I once had a friend who posted on social media she missed having a sewing machine because she loved to sew. After seeing that post, I went out and bought her a top of the line sewing machine to surprise her. She cried tears of gratitude and gushed her appreciation. A few weeks later after one too many cocktails she confessed she didn’t know how to sew and didn’t know why she posted what she did. She kept the sewing machine. It’s a humorous story now…not so funny back then.
At the top of the predatory food chain are the true manipulators.
It’s a way of life for them….its a business…..its calculated and its cruel.
You don't see them coming until it's too late.
These predators have learned how to access personal information, and use it to their benefit. They can even create additional accounts you aren’t aware of, and conduct business as if they were you. It can be as simple as having obtained information from a utility bill, or as complex as the deed to your home. They can even utilize the equity in your home without your knowledge.
Everyone has dealt with predatory situations to one degree or another in life. I’ve dealt with all of the above. It’s easy to feel vengeful and retaliatory, but that makes you no better than they are. Rise up.
Don't let it change who you are, just understand everyone doesn't have a kind heart or good intentions.
Whatever your faith……lean on it.
Everything truly does happen for a reason.
There are no coincidences, and there are no accidents.
Ironically…..blind trust can create problems……but blind faith can resolve them.
The chapters in life we try so hard to create are never as good as the chapters we allow to unfold on their own.
Life is an E ticket ride. It wont always be ‘throw your hands up in the air’ fantastic, but there is a lesson to be learned each and every day.
Knit all those lessons together, and that is the blanket of faith and promise that will protect you on your journey.
But that’s just my opinion. :)